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4 Reasons Why Videos Are Important To Your Business

In today's digital world, video content is all but essential. Consumers increasingly expect this type of media as they navigate products and services, using it to inform their decision. As a business owner, you know that creating engaging content is key to attracting and retaining clients. While text-based content is still important, video content has proven to be the most crucial choice. You could produce a brand video about your company, stackable videos highlighting the company’s culture and workforce, or even just create product and service testimonials.

Video content is an essential tool for capturing the attention of potential clients. Not only does video have greater accessibility than other media types, but it also provides valuable customer education opportunities and engaging interactions with viewers that lead to increased conversions to your site or service. In this article, we will explain why videos are important for your business.


Videos Are Widely Accessible

The internet is called a vast ocean of information with so many different outlets begging for our time and attention. From article content that bombards us on social media, to video campaigns spanning all sorts of platforms. Videos stand out as being more accessible than other types because they can be watched quickly without having to read anything else first.

In the last five years, online video consumption has increased. This is true for all age groups, with the largest increase in people over fifty-five years old.

The power of video content is undeniable.

Effective videos eliminate jargon and technical communication challenges to clearly communicate information, no matter the audience's physical impairments or accessibility needs. Video content marketing is more important than ever and can be used to provide a variety of footage, including drone shots. The best part? It's easily accessible through video production companies that offer high-resolution videos for any project you might need them in.

Higher Conversion Rates

Websites that contain videos on their landing page gain an extra 80% conversion rate. In 2022, nearly 82% of the traffic on the internet will be accounted for by devices streaming and downloading the high-quality video (Cisco). Video marketing is a powerful tool for any business. It provides the opportunity to combine images, text, and music in order to tell stories that can be shared with clients. It means they're more likely to be successful. Video is a great way to tell stories and share information with clients and prospects in an engaging manner.

Video Adds Value

Video has the potential to create value for any business, and Animoto found that 93% of marketers say they've gained a new client as a result. With such powerful data behind its effectiveness in generating leads or conversions, videos are a perfect way to show off your products or services in action. They can help you explain what you're selling, how it works, and why people should buy it. Plus, they're engaging and can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level. The majority of clients prefer to learn about a product through video. 80% of people say they've been persuaded to buy a product or service by watching a brand's video.

Video is King & Marketing is Queen

Video content is the first step into marketing. It can be used to create brand awareness, promote products or services, and engage clients. By creating engaging, informative, and entertaining videos, you can reach a larger audience and boost your brand's visibility through marketing channels. Videos can also be shared on social media platforms, providing even more exposure for your business. Video is much important because it can clearly communicate a story. Stories build empathy and move greater audience numbers towards sales, which makes for better marketing strategies in general, including product or service advertisements on social media platforms like Facebook Ads Manager. This type of storytelling has been changing how we consume content from brands who want their brand message communicated more effectively through video than text alone.

You can make clients feel like they are part of the story with video content. One of the best ways to do this is by borrowing cues from sources such as Disney movies, which will allow people who may not otherwise be interested in what you have on offer to connect emotionally and start seeing themselves buying products or services from brands accordingly. Almost 80% of people watch online videos every week, and 45% watch online videos every day. Consumers want to see more and more video content this calendar year, according to Social Media Week.

Final Thoughts:

Video has been much more effective for generating leads, up 2% from the previous year and up 5% since the beginning of the year. Video is an excellent way to show clients and potential clients what they can expect from working with you. It allows storytelling, which in turn creates memorable content that will appeal more than text alone could ever hope to. Whether it be promotional videos showcasing new products or educational videos teaching people about the company's services- video has many benefits when used correctly. According to 81% of marketers, video has a positive impact on sales.

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